About Us

Our mission is to create fashionable and everyday apparel that proudly displays love for the Ocean State. Each design boasts R.I. pride and each sale is designed to strengthen Rhode Island communities- literally and figuratively.

Our goal is to provide the youths of R.I., the opportunity to receive FREE personal training from a local gym. Ten percent of profit from our sales will go towards subsidizing the cost of personal training for a selected teen. We’ve partnered up with half full, a for-profit business that hosts its own non-profit events, to assist in the selection of a lucky teen. Linked below is their website along with partnering gyms:

half full, llc.- https://www.half-full.com/

Body and Soul Training- https://www.bodysoultraining.com/

Strength Dojo- https://www.facebook.com/TheStrengthDojo/

The Top Strength Project- https://www.thetopstrengthproject.com/

We believe that as a community, we can provide our future leaders with some of the tools needed to thrive in the real world. By bettering our citizens, we can better our state.

So, whether you’re a born and bred Rhode Islander or just visiting, grab yourself a RIOG t-shirt, and give by getting. #RI⚓️OG #ExerciseIsMedicine

Get to know us better by checking out our YouTube channel at: https://www.youtube.com/c/RhodeIslandOriginal

Or on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RhodeIslandOriginal/